White Fox Medicinals: Where Spirit Meets Medicine
Scarlet Ravin from White Fox Medicinals is offering a new way to discover wellness with holistic healing and Ayurvedic extraction.
6 years agoon
White Fox Medicinals produces strain specific topicals and tinctures that blends CBD and THC with other healing herbs. Reaching into the heart of alchemy, their approach to cannabis and wellness is through preventative medicine and overall health and vitality. Scarlet Ravin is the maven behind the spirit-driven medicine company. We caught up with her ahead of their new product launch party to talk cultivation, holistic healing and Ayurvedic extraction.
Cannabis Aficionado: When did you get the idea for White Fox Medicinals? When did you start that journey?
Scarlet Ravin: I started White Fox Medicinals about maybe ten years ago, twelve years ago, as a holistic health practice. It was called White Fox Holistic and the White Fox is a shapeshifter to me so it’s able to be hidden or seen and as a medicine person then I can shapeshift into what my client needs as medicine that day. So I saw that as that symbolism.
When I moved into cultivating cannabis I transferred that into my topicals and tinctures that I was making for my clients. Which was the birth of White Fox Medicinals, the first cannabis topical tincture line for White Fox.
When you say that it started as a holistic medicine company…?
Oh, holistic health practice. I’m a certified CMT, certified in Shiatzu, acupressure, yoga teacher, Kundalini teacher and I would facilitate massages, but they were also more spirit driven. Physical touch, yes. Psychic stuff too, also, was present. And then tuning into people and making specific herbal remedies for them and then blending that into an oil and then applying that oil during their treatment and then making custom tinctures for their internal situation.
When I found the profound, incredible ability that cannabis has to touch on the mental and spiritual levels where other herbs focus more on the physical. So, when I started adding cannabis I saw a change happen in my clients a lot quicker and a lot more profound than without the cannabis herb inside.
So it was sort of by accident?
Yeah, it was definitely an experiment. I had a couple of patients that were using me consistently and I had always been using herbs and the ones that were open to cannabis. I offered that to them and they received it. Their transformations happened in a completely different manner with their mind being affected and their spirits being affected, having the issues that they’re facing turn around so much more quickly.
And then when the cannabis laws went into legal then I knew I needed another way to pay my income other than growing because that was going to be a null and void option due to legalities. So I created a brand and started promoting the brand to enter into the legal market.
You’re going to come out on the legal market. It seems like you have an expanded idea of these lines, like, there’s more coming, more Ayurvedic formulas. What’s next for White Fox Medicinals?
There’s an amazing famous artist that I’m collaborating with right now who advocates for plant spirit awareness and honoring plants in that realm — him and his wife. I am working directly with Jason Edwards currently and I’m telling him what I want in this blend — all the herbs are to be from India directly and native and my awareness is mostly around native herb in this area. He’s helping me formulate a blend specifically for creativity and mind stamina. So there will be a nice piece of artwork that you can hold in your vape battery and then the formulation will be to boost and enhance creativity with the packaging being designed by him as well. So there will be a really cool artistic pen coming out that’s going to blow peoples’ minds for sure.
That’s awesome. When do you think that’s going to happen?
I think we will have the design prepared and the formulations prepared by end of March which is probably looking at June/July launch into the market.
When you launch your products where are you going to be available initially?
Every dispensary in California! Haha! I don’t know. So my work right now is to gain those preorders.
In general, are you going to be all over California?
I’m working closely to get into MenMen. I’d like to license the brand in New York. I’d like to have it be a national thing and follow the MenMen trail of Las Vegas. So I’m working with a PR guy for that. We’re definitely going to start in the hub. San Francisco will get hit pretty hard. Los Angeles will get hit pretty hard and then we’ll slowly expand out. This area for sure, the Sonoma County area, they’ll all be carrying the product lines.
We have a big launch party [planned]. White Fox is working with Jason [Edwards] has an ancient Ayurvedic extraction facility in India and he’s got a, his business platform is that he goes into these really desolate locations in India where people don’t have jobs or food or money and he gives them the herbs to grow for him and then they grow that and then he pays them to buy that back and extracts them. The formulations for these specific effects in the new vape pen line are directly from ancient Ayruvedic traditions.
I purchase that organic, CO2-extracted oil from him, I bring it back here and add CBD and THC, and then that’s what birthed the vape line which is going to be released on the market at the end of November. And then we’re going to have a White Fox Medicinals launch into legal celebration November 18th at the Great Northern in San Francisco and we’re going to screen a music video that we built as a marketing campaign for the vape line.
The vape lines are for dreams. So, you can smoke the dream pen before bed or actually any time in the day. It will relax you because the THC-to-CBD ratio is for relaxation. And then the herbs, once you fall asleep, the herbs will give you multiple dreams and you’ll be able to remember them when you wake which has been something that people speak to with cannabis, when smoking cannabis before bed is that they don’t dream anymore. So this was the remedy to be able to maintain that insight from those realms, still satiate yourself with the cannabis spirit and then have that come into your waking life
And then we have two sex pens, one formulated for men specifically, enhance stamina, increase sexual desire and increase sensitivity, both for men and women. Sidecar Tommy who’s a friend – he’s the drummer and producer of beats antique – he wrote a song called White Fox and we filmed a music video to it smoking the pens, and we showed you our dream world and our sexy nightlife world and we’re showing that for the first time at that party.
I’m interested in this nexus point between the spiritual and the medicine and the way that you talk about this word medicine that is not the normal Western way of using the word ‘medicine’. I want to know where that comes from and what, for you, that nexus point really is, besides the fact that you saw it in other people and were able to practice it. What is your personal experience and what are you trying to share?
My goal, my end goal for this life is to be the medicine. So, me showing up in a room is that vibrational medicine that people need to change their life or to have a healing shift. That is my goal. What I see when I say medicine – and I’m talking about the cannabis topical tincture line or the vape line – to me, those are external tools that can bring us to those points in awareness where we see deeper layers of ourselves. We can release past traumas, we can step into our greater power. Through utilizing that practice over and over again, going deeper and deeper and deeper into our own layers the more know ourselves truly and enter into love, truly, and enter into happy thoughts truly then we are the medicine ourselves. Our actions are benefiting in healing the planet.
I honor and love all of these external processes of “let’s heal the planet, let’s clean the ocean”. Yeah, let’s all do that but I believe it starts inside of our own bodies. If you’re truly in love with yourself, and you truly know yourself and know your heart and your soul, you’re not going to litter. You’re not going to not recycle. You’re going to treat the planet with respect because you treat yourself with respect. To me, that’s the healing of absolutely everything in this world, is that we all strive to become medicine.
Working with cannabis and the spirit of cannabis to me, her inside and all the different perspectives she shares with me has led me deeper into knowing myself and deeper into feeling that greater pull to be the medicine myself. I feel that all kinds of external herbal spirits have that ability. Psilocybin, Ibogaine, and Iboga, ayahuasca and peyote – they all have these psychoactive remedies that go into our brain and will actually change thought patterns.
My understanding of life and reality is that our thought patterns are the trajectory of our external life and what we’re seeing and living. So the core seed of how to change your life is in your mind. If we’re having perpetual negative thoughts we’re in a depressed, sad state. If we’re having perpetual happy positive thoughts, we’re in a happy, elated, high spiritual vibration state. It’s rewriting those click-click-click, over and over monkey mind thoughts stopping the negative thoughts because you’re starting to understand how powerful you are. You’re starting to understand nothing external can touch you. You can be whatever you want to be at any moment.
Once you have that realization in your awareness, it’s in your awareness and it’s you. And then you live from that space. That awareness can come from reading a book, it can come from smoking a joint with a friend by the ocean where you get an insight into what that feels like – then you can anchor that insight into your system and it’s a part of you. That’s it, that’s the shift, that’s the healing: you just became a deeper sense of the medicine.
For me, it’s a daily practice of honoring cannabis because I’ve definitely been initiated by her where I’ve over-used her for numbing out and used her to be away from myself.
There are two ways to approach it. We can say we’re using this medicine to go deeper into ourselves. But to get to that space where we are obtaining the insight and the awareness, it’s how we enter into working with the medicine: why are we smoking it today, why are we eating an edible today? Are we numbing out? Then be conscious and aware and real with yourself. I choose to numb out today – that’s OK. It’s here for that, it’s not a negative thing if you’re aware of it.
But if you’re in an unconscious cycle of using and using, then you’re abusing the spirit of the medicine and that’s when she’ll have a backlash in your life. That’s when you’ll have over-eating, that’s when you’ll have laziness, that’s when you’ll have a foggy mind and you’ll get these things because that’s how you’re showing up. She’s going to be that mirror of how you’re showing up to her. If you show up aware and awake and asking for insight and you’re truly honoring her.
Not only that, you’re showing up how you want to be treated I’m guessing in your heart of hearts, you want people to show up in your life where they honor you, they’re not just taking from you. They’re seeing you for your own greatness, they’re not just asking you to do things for them. There’s an energy exchange with everything.
Talk about how the expression of art integrates with that medicine and why music and art are such an important part of this brand for you and why that expression matters.
My packaging is coded with animal symbolism. To me, the powers of the animals that I’m working with are powerful portals into different vibrational places. When I’m sitting with the spirit of the owl it’s a very powerful, poignant, deep psychic spirit that can go in and grab stuff and take it away.
As humans, we have pain, we have ailments we have these things going on that we don’t necessarily like. If we focus on what we don’t like we’re amplifying that. If we focus on the medicine we’re bringing that in. For me, animals came in because I was trying to learn how to – if I have an ailment that’s hurting me and I want to heal that, I didn’t understand how to not focus on that.
Having a spirit animal come in and me focusing on that vibration and knowing that that is coming into my system to cleanse or bring me awareness around that, I’m able to go through the process of sitting with what’s going on and then have a new vibration come in and have that be the shift. They became these portals to me where I could sit in what I wasn’t comfortable with and then feel like I was being supported by spirit.
As a child, I had a really intense father and kind of a mentally absent mom and I was very sensitive. They didn’t understand my sensitivities. When I was a child, sounds physically hurt my body. If something was too loud or a voice or certain tones, I had a lot of physical pain in my head and my body and that was hard to relate to parents. They were like, “Stop being so sensitive, shut up! Stop crying.” So I turned to nature and animals. I had a horse, I connected with my horse. I started talking to the animals. The animals would share love and compassion with me and held space for me, so that when it became time for me to do packaging and thinking about how I wanted to present this to the world my greatest teachers and space holders were animals, my whole life. They always hold this really pure cosmic intuitive knowledge to me that’s so untainted in any facet that it like a fail-proof portal.
Each package will have that on there to resonate with you and for you to sit with while you’re looking at it – sit with the medicine. I give you a presentation of what that animal means to me and why I put it on the package but for me, it’s totally up to creative interpretation. Sit with that animal spirit, sit with that vibration of what that means to you. Close your eyes and then feel what your body feels like when you’re being held by them and you’ll know. You’ll create a knowing that that’s a real thing. Just because you can’t see the animal in front of you with your eyes the symbol is enough, it’s an imprint.
The way I move through the company is by setting a goal and then following my heart. The connection with Sidecar Tommy was that. Siobhan Danger Darwish is a good friend of mine. She invited me to a festival. I had never been to a festival. I was going through a lot of emotional trauma at the time and so a weekend with a girlfriend felt like an amazing idea. I went to the Enchanted Forest festival. Her guide Sidecar Tommy was the headliner and so we got to go backstage before they went on. I met him and I felt who he was and I felt what he was doing with his music and it was totally in alignment with our message. He is here to create a new world with his music and to free peoples’ spirits with the beats. I feel that when I listen to his albums.
Ideas? I don’t know where they’re coming from, I call them Universe. Universe is shooting me an idea and the universe says, “Here’s your collaboration for the vape line”, and so I just asked him, “Hey, you want to sit with me, you want to make a song with me for White Fox Medicinals, for the vape line?” At that point, I didn’t know it was going to be a music video but that was the first step. I went down to his recording studio in Oakland, and we sit and started formulating the song and I started getting visions of how we’re going to use the song.
I didn’t even have the foresight when I initiated the song creation but when I started thinking about how we could use the song I started seeing it would be a portal for people to be able to see our world: how are we using the pens, what does it feel like, what does it look like, what happens to you? Music and vibrations from tunes can go in and take you from any state into another state. I know people feel it. They have their upbeat mix and then they have their calm-down mix.
Vibrations – we’re all energy. Music is focused energy. Effect-driven energy. The vape pens are effect-driven energy. We’re amplifying that.
With White Fox Medicinals, you’re taking the essence of the ancient tradition of true medicine, defining it as a spirit and a state being rather than a thing, like, you take or a thing that you do even. It’s a thing that you be. And then you stack all of the layers of what that is all together and it’s really cohesive and thought out.
Yeah. I want to create multiple pathways for people to get to that place within themselves.
White Fox Medicinals is available online.
Papa’s Herb to Light Up Great Outdoor Comedy Festival
7 months agoon
July 12, 2024
Cannabis and comedy have long been recognized as one of the all-time great combinations. The plant’s powers enhance the enjoyment of both activities, thanks to their intertwined relaxing and mood-enhancing effects. This synergy is set to take center stage at Edmonton’s Great Outdoor Comedy Festival, which runs July 12-14. Papa’s Herb will collaborate with Plantlife Cannabis to exclusively launch its disposable vape products at the event. This is the first time festival-goers will have the unique opportunity to purchase cannabis in a festival setting in Canada.
This announcement highlights the integration of cannabis into mainstream entertainment. It also underscores Edmonton’s progressive approach to event regulation and economic development. Props to Canadian politician Dale Nally, Minister of Service Alberta and Red Tape Reduction, who helped shift regulations in the territory.

Cannabis & Comedy in Canada
Now in its fourth consecutive year, the Great Outdoor Comedy Festival is a highlight in Edmonton’s entertainment calendar. Renowned for its lively atmosphere and stellar comedic performances against scenic outdoor backdrops, the festival attracts comedy enthusiasts and top-tier performers from across Canada.
The collaboration between Papa’s Herb, a prominent cannabis brand born in Miami and made in California, and Plantlife Cannabis, Alberta’s largest independently owned and operated dispensary, promises to elevate the overall experience, setting a precedent for future cannabis-infused events in the region.
Ian Scott, owner of Plantlife Cannabis in Edmonton, underscores this synergy. “Great comedy is made even better with the addition of cannabis,” he says. “The relaxed and euphoric effects enhance the audience’s enjoyment, making Papa’s Herb an ideal partner to enrich this special event.”
Festival Experience: Where to Find Papa’s Herb
During the festival, attendees can purchase Papa’s Herb disposable vapes at “The Garden by Plantlife,” conveniently located next to the main stage, along with the company’s other premium cannabis products.
“The Great Outdoor Comedy Festival provides an ideal platform for our offerings,” says Aaron Nathaniel, CEO of Papa’s Herb. “Our RNTZ and Lemon Cherry Gelato disposable vapes are crafted to complement the festival ambiance, offering a blend of relaxation and enjoyment that pairs perfectly with laughter.”
Papa’s Herb stands for family lineage, quality, and sustainability, sourcing premium cannabis from dedicated local growers to ensure top-tier quality and affordability. As a brand “by the people, for the people,” it supports small farmers and prioritizes sustainability.

Nearly 25 years after he was disqualified from the World Boxing Association Heavyweight Championship for biting his opponent’s ears, Mike Tyson’s Tyson 2.0 cannabis brand has just released ear-shaped edibles, Mike Bites.
The new ear-shaped edibles are complete with a missing chunk where Tyson removed a portion of Evander Holyfield’s cartilage in what became known as The Bite Fight. After Tyson bit off a chunk of Holyfield’s ear, the 1997 match resumed. However, after attempting to snack on Holyfield’s second ear, Tyson was disqualified and his boxing licence was withdrawn. The Nevada State Athletic Commission handed Tyson a a $3 million fine for his actions and he didn’t fight again for over a year.
Holy ears! They’re finally here! Go get your Mike Bites now 👂😤
— ItsTyson20 (@itstyson20) March 15, 2022
Mike Bites gummies will be sold at dispensaries in California, Massachusetts and Nevada.
Wiz Khalifa Debuts New Taylor Gang x Stündenglass Collab
3 years agoon
February 20, 2022
Wiz Khalifa and his entertainment company Taylor Gang Ent. have collaborated with Stündenglass, the world’s first gravity-powered infuser, to introduce the iconic gold and black Taylor Gang x Stündenglass.
“I’m honored to have collaborated with long time friend Wiz Khalifa, who is as passionate about this product as I am. Our mutual admiration for Stündenglass made it a natural collaboration,” Stündenglass CEO Chris Folkerts said via a press release.
Taylor Gang x Stündenglass is an authentic collaboration developed after the multi-platinum-selling, Grammy-winning, Golden Globe-nominated Khalifa discovered Stündenglass and began enjoying it regularly as seen on his Instagram.
“I love my Stündenglass, and I’m pumped everyone gets to experience this with me now,” Khalifa.
The infuser features a patented 360-degree gravity system that elicits a powerful and immersive experience. It generates kinetic motion activation via cascading water, opposing airflow technology and the natural force of gravity.
The Taylor Gang gravity bing comes in an exclusive black and gold colorway and features two glass globes on a metal base made of aircraft-grade aluminum, surgical grade stainless steel, and high-quality Teflon seals.
Taylor Gang includes artists Ty Dolla $ign, Juicy J, and Berner among others — the former of which has his own line Stündenglass collab with his Cookies brand.
“We’re very excited to launch the official Taylor Gang x Stündenglass. We use glass in our everyday lives, so it only made sense to team up and create an exclusive Taylor Gang collaboration for the fans,” Taylor Gang said.