What sets THCV apart from the other cannabinoids is it has the ability to suppress appetite, as studies are demonstrating.
The little research available suggests that some parts of cannabis may be more helpful than others for treating chronic kidney disease.
The Honest Marijuana Company is currently working on a nano-cannabinoid technology that will deliver cannabinoids in a time-released fashion.
Nate Pennington from Humboldt Seed Company talks us through the newest weed strains that we're excited to see hit the market in 2019.
As well as having high CBD content, the Willy G Lebanese landrace strain offer a unique leaf structure and enticing nose on the flowers.
Nathaniel Pennington from Humboldt Seed Company explains his phenotype mega-hunt — the search for the best and brightest of the cannabis genome.
CBC may help fight cancer and provides analgesic qualities that could be significant in assisting the billions of humans who suffer chronic pain.
Despite a more than 5,000 year history of safe, medicinal cannabis use, science is just starting to understand cannabinoid-based medicine.
Dark Star can inspire plenty of laughter, some may find that this plant is better suited as a sedative after a long and hard day of...
CBD, one of the most discussed and marketed elements of the cannabis plant, offers significant appeal based on its wide-ranging medicinal efficacy.